National Association of Realtors (NAR) Proposal.

Published Date: 2009-02-13 The National Association of Realtors (NAR) is asking all of us encourage our Congressperson to make revival of the housing market a focus of the proposed Stimulus package. NAR has a sample letter that you can email or mail your Congressperson to voice your concerns. In the letter, you will encourage your Congressperson to make affordable mortgages available to help stem the tide of mass foreclosures and to help loosen frozen credit markets. Here's what NAR is proposing: Congress is debating the America Recovery Reinvestment Act, the latest in a series of economic stimulus measures considered by Congress. NAR is urging Congress to include the following provisions in the economic stimulus legislation being debated this week: Include a $15,000 home buyer tax credit available to all buyers, eliminate repayment requirements and extend the credits availability thru 2009. Restore the FHA, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac loan limits to their 2008 level and make them permanent. Provide increased resources for foreclosure mitigation efforts. Find the sample letter on NAR's "Take Action" website.