End of summer is busy season for relocating families - make sure to put school district info in property listings

Published Date: 2009-09-15 I used to love the summer season because my commute across the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco was 15 minutes shorter. This was because everyone was taking vacations so there were less commuters on the road. That all changed when I entered the corporate housing industry. Now I love the end of summer when vacations are all done and everyone gets back to work and needs a rental! The end of the summer is often the busiest time of year for relocating executives in need of fully furnished homes in the right neighborhood and in the right school district. As families are relocating, make sure if your property is located in a good school district that you have the district and school name listed in your property description. This way potential tenants can easily find your property if this is an important aspect of their housing search. As a mother of two school age children I can assure you that if your property location feeds into the right school, your chances of getting the home rented just doubled. Saying good bye to summer is easier when you know business is about to pick up again!