Masters Week Housing Presents Opportunity for CHBO Owners

Published Date: 2012-01-25 Do you have a property in or near Augusta, Georgia? If so, make sure you're taking advantage of the scores of people that will be flooding into town looking for housing and short-term rental properties during the Masters Tournament this year. With the Masters Tournament less than three months away, make sure your property is poised to cash in on this opportunity. Here's how: 1. Add "Masters Tournament Housing" keywords to your listing. 2. Begin promoting your property to friends and anyone you know who might be coming to town. Facebook and Twitter are excellent ways to connect your property for rent with someone in need of a rental. 3. Mark your availability calendar. Make sure potential tenants know your property is open for business during the days leading up to the Tournament. Jane Fuhrmann, the president of Tournament Housing and Events, told the Augusta Chronicle that the rental market grows bigger every year and this year is no exception. Rental agencies and housing agencies are optimistic this year - so isĀ Corporate Housing by Owner. Need Masters Tournament Housing or housing near Augusta or Atlanta? Check out CHBO for details.