A Message for Corporate Housing Providers Association Members

Published Date: 2013-04-11 We wanted to pass along some news shared by the Corporate Housing Provider's Association (CHPA) today. On March 20, the CHPA Board of Directors updated the definition of corporate housing to clarify the types of companies eligible for active membership in CHPA. The new bylaws clause reads as follows: ARTICLE III – MEMBERS, Section 2. Eligibility, Section 2.1 Active Members: Any corporate housing provider is eligible for membership as an active member. A corporate housing provider is any firm, corporation or entity that receives direct compensation for providing corporate housing to non-employees, as defined, and holds a lease with a property or tenant. Corporate housing is defined as a furnished apartment, condominium or other residential dwelling made available for rent or let on a temporary basis, primarily for 30 days or more. Corporate housing typically includes the following features: Furniture, full kitchen, private bath, linens, housewares, electronics and utilities. Active members have all of the rights and privileges of membership, including the right to vote, hold office and serve on Association committees. Leaders’ purpose in updating this information was to hold true to the mission of the organization’s focus on the corporate housing industry. While there are many lodging alternatives, CHPA exists to support providers in offering both a product and a full range of services in a residential setting for longer length of stays. The Board’s approval of this updated definition reaffirms their dedication to professional provider member companies. CHPA Board members also updated the Association’s officers terms of office. This clause allows officers to ascend through the various positions, ensuring consistency in leadership for the Association. ARTICLE IV - ASSOCIATION OFFICERS, Section 3. Term of Office. Each officer shall serve a term of one (1) year and may be re-elected, but may not serve more than two (2) consecutive one (1) year terms in any one (1) office. An officer may serve in an officer position even if such person's term as Director has otherwise expired. Each Officer shall hold office until his or her successor has been duly elected, or until his or her death, resignation, or removal in the manner hereinafter provided. You can access the complete copy of the Association’s bylaws online at any time in the CHPA Knowledge Center. If you have any questions, please contact the CHPA Office. Posted on the CorporateHousingbyOwner.com blog.