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$50 Credit: Thanks for the Corporate Housing Referral :)

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Published Date: 2013-09-07
When we first started AvenueWest Corporate Housing, our managed corporate housing business, in 1999 we had the opportunity to interact with all of our property owners and all of our tenants and we knew everyone's stories about their properties or why they needed to rent a property. We were given the opportunity to get excited when you were relocating for a new job or we cried with you over those long months of medical treatment. If you have ever read the story about how CHBO got started you will know that over those first few years of AvenueWest we kept getting more and more calls with more and more stories and we weren't always able to provide the exact right full service corporate housing solution for your needs. That's when we came up with the idea of CHBO to provide a larger market place to connect all of the right properties with the right tenants. Over the years it has been exciting to watch CHBO grow and hear about some of your stories. We love to hear about your rental successes and they also help us develop the annual report which gives us a unique insight into this corporate housing lodging segment and gives all CHBO owners more tools for being successful landlords.

Today we got this email from an owner who just earned a $50 corporate housing referral credit for their account because they shared CHBO with a friend - thanks for the referral and the feedback: 

"I will probably wait to use it until I need to get our next tenant so I can upgrade to a sponsored listing again, as our first tenant told us that being one of the first listings really made a difference in him initially finding us. We just moved in our 2nd tenant on Sunday - a 4 month lease with probable extension.  He is a (big company) guy who was told about our condo by their HR department - so was great to know (big company) is actively using CHBO - and that our listing was of interest to them. We should be your "poster child" client, as we literally have had our place rented from the first day we posted! We feel very fortunate that we found CHBO and certainly look forward to continuing listing our condo on your site!"

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