Corporate Housing 101 CHBO General

Corporate Housing: Who, What, Where & Why #6

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Published Date: 2014-12-07
Extended Stay Guest

What makes a successful corporate housing provider? What makes a successful Corporate Housing Renter? Where is the corporate housing industry going? Why do people use corporate housing? Who provides corporate housing? Should I pay or charge a security deposit? What about pets? How do I find a corporate housing rentals?

Your information is essential to assure together we are all more successful - if you own or manage corporate housing rentals please take a minute and complete the 2014 Corporate Housing Survey and get qualified to win an IPad Air!  

What we learned from last year's Corporate Housing Survey #6...

Topic: Corporate Housing Tenants

  • Experiences with Corporate Housing Tenants. Corporate housing tenants continue to be relatively “painless” tenants. In 2013, 95% of respondents say they had a positive experience with their corporate housing tenants – an all-time high for this report.
  • Extended Stay GuestRenter Types. In 2013, the top two reasons for rentals were: business assignments at 76% and relocations at 44%. The corporate housing renter pool went through some changes in 2013 – including a 9% increase in business travelers. We also saw an 8% increase in vacation renters, a 7% increase in people renting due to home remodeling, and a 5% decrease in military tenants.
  • Lengths of Stay. Two out of three respondents say their tenants stayed an average length of three months or more. We found that 27% of properties could be rented for less than one month. However, on average, 84% of properties were rented for one month or more.
  • Security Deposits, Travel Insurance and ARDI. 84% of “by owner” landlords say they required some form of a refundable security deposit in 2013 – similar to 2012. Also consistent with last year, 8% of respondents say they required Accidental Rental Damage Insurance (ARDI) as an alternative to a security deposit. 8% didn’t collect any type of deposit.
  • Credit & Background Checks. In 2013, 32% of respondents told us, “Yes, they always run credit checks on potential tenants,” and 29% said, “Yes, they always run background checks.” Both these numbers are all-time highs for this report.
  • Credit Cards. Approximately 60% of respondents say they accept some form of credit card payment from their renters. PayPal and Visa/MasterCard are virtually even in popularity at 36% and 35% respectively.

Take the 2014 Survey now and get qualified to win an IPad Air!  

Read the 2013 Annual Report.

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