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Corporate Housing Annual Survey - Complete for a chance to win a $100 Amex Gift Card

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Published Date: 2015-12-03
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Corporate Housing is not part of the share economy and CHBO has the data to prove it. CHBO Launches 7th Annual CHBO Corporate Housing Real Estate Survey

Everyone who completes corporate housing annual survey will be entered to win a $100 Amazon.com gift card!

Corporate Housing Annual Survey


8 Topics, Approximately 5-10 MinutesLength of corporate housing annual survey (General, Property, Rental, Renters, Property Management, Pets, Marketing, Corporate Housing)


Make you a more successful landlord by giving you the data you need to best market and manage your rental properties.


You will receive a FREE pdf copy of the completed report by January 15th 2016. We will send this to you via email.  

Historical Reports:

View 2014 Report Now or to view previous reports go to the Documents in your MyCHBO account or you can purchase a printed copy on Amazon.com.


Please complete one survey for EACH property.

Who should complete this survey:

Property owners or managers of corporate housing rentals.

Why should I complete this survey:

(1) Receive useful information about my lodging segment (2) Receive useful information about promoting my property (3) Receive data to make me more successful (4) Improve the recognition of the Corporate Housing Lodging Industry (5) Learn how to get more tenants (6) Learn about real estate investment trends Confidentiality: The data provided in this survey will be kept confidential. We will not share your individual data with anyone. We will not share your email. The only email you will receive from us will contain your free copy of the Annual Report, and occasional invitations to participate in future research of this type. Questions: Call 877.333.2426 or email Support@MyCHBO.com Thank You: As a thank you for your time you can also earn a FREE one month 'sponsored listing' credit for your CHBO account. Find instructions towards the end of the survey. Also, entry to win a $100 AMEX gift card. Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback. We look forward to providing you with useful information. CHBO is a marketing and educational website that connects individual property owners, property managers and corporate housing companies with highly desirable segments of the traveling public both domestically and internationally. Also watch for our new book coming out soon... Making Money with Rental Properties by Kimberly Smith (co-founder of CHBO).

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