CHBO General Corporate Housing

A Fantastic Opportunity for CHBO Owners in Atlanta!

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Published Date: 2019-07-15
Corporate housing in Atlanta

If you have a rental property listing in Atlanta, Georgia or in the nearby area, we have a great opportunity to share with you. This year, hundreds of people will be flooding into town and the nearby area looking for short-term rental properties and other housing while the Masters Tournament is taking place in Augusta.

The tournament is only a few months away so getting started and making sure you are ready is something that should start now. Finding a corporate housing tenant will be a breeze, but we have some tips to help with this endeavor. If you follow a few easy steps, you might be able to bring in the perfect tenant for your property and ensure you make some extra money while the Tournament is happening.

The first thing you want to do is add new keywords to your listing. Something along the lines of “Master Tournament Housing” should get you the views you want from people who plan to be in the area during this exciting sporting event. The more people who see your rental property listing, the better the likelihood of finding the perfect corporate housing tenant for your needs.

Corporate housing in Atlanta

Next up, start promoting your property in whatever method works best for you. Tell your friends and family members along with anyone else you know who might be considering coming into town. Social media is a fantastic way to show off your property and gain traction on your listing. Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram can all be used to connect with potential tenants who might be in need of a rental.

The last step to taking advantage of this opportunity involves marking your availability calendar. Make sure everything is completely up to date, so everyone looking at your rental property listing is aware of the fact that your property is open for business as the days leading up to the Masters Tournament continue to dwindle. This is sure to get you views and get you the biggest advantage when it comes to booking these days.

As the years pass, the rental market for the Tournament continues to grow and this is likely to continue in 2019 and beyond. Housing agencies are thrilled that the year will be a big one, which is a sentiment that is shared by Corporate Housing by Owner.

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