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Your Corporate Housing Rental Is a Business So Get the Benefits from Banks

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Published Date: 2021-05-05
corporate housing and bank

If you offer corporate housing rentals, it might be something you do on the side that doesn’t take up a tremendous amount of attention. You might not consider it a business, and it may not be your full-time job. However, anything that you do to create profit is regarded as a business when it comes to the banks in your neighborhood and beyond.

Because of that, there are perks that you may not know about. These are things you can take advantage of to enjoy a happier and healthier life. If you have a business, you have the advantage of being able to open business credit cards. You don’t even have to be an LLC; all you have to do is sign up with the IRS as a sole proprietor.

corporate housing and bank

Perks of Business Credit Cards

You might be wondering why qualifying for a business credit card is so important, and we’re happy to share the reason. The most significant reason that you should consider having business credit cards is that they offer some of the best sign-up bonuses while also providing opportunities to earn down the line. The best part is that any size of business will qualify.

As someone offering corporate housing rentals, a business credit card can be fantastic for racking up points for free travel. Without it, you might lose out on thousands of points throughout the year. If you go traveling even on an irregular basis, you might as well pay less to do so.

Some of your personal credit cards will also have a business credit card with similar points. Some of them let you move the points from your business card onto your personal card so you can use the points on both to enjoy free hotels, flights, and rental cars.

Other Things to Be Aware Of

Opening additional credit cards can increase your credit score over time, but not all cards are reported to your personal credit. As far as annual fees go, keep in mind that most premium cards only have a fee after the first year, at which time you can cancel it. Some also allow you to downgrade to a free version to avoid fees.

If you work with corporate housing rentals, there’s no reason not to apply for business credit cards and enjoy the benefits. Of course, always do your research and ask questions if you have them!

Let CHBO Help

When it comes to finding the perfect condo for rent short time, Corporate Housing by Owner can help you find the right option. A quick search will offer you insight into possibilities you won’t find elsewhere. Take a moment to see exactly what kind of homes you can stay in near your new work location.

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