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How to Take JPEG Pictures on Your iPhone Instead of HEIC

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Published Date: 2022-12-23
Iphone Photography 2

If you have an iPhone you use to take pictures of the properties you are renting, you are likely taking photos in HEIC format instead of JPEG. This has been the default format since iOS 11.

The new format is technically more efficient. It creates smaller files, which means you could store more photos on your phone. The quality of the images is about the same as JPEGs, so it may seem like a good solution.

Iphone Photography


However, there are certain times when taking JPEG pictures will be a better option for you. For example, if you are a property owner taking pictures of a home you want to rent out and uploading them to a website, JPEG is still the preferred format.
You will find that this is the case for many types of websites, social media, etc. JPEG is widely compatible, as it has been around for decades. You may want to have photos that are in this format because of the compatibility

Using JPEG on Your iPhone

HEIC is the default, but you can easily change both photo and video formats through the Settings on your phone. Here’s how you do it.

Just turn on your phone and go to Settings and then tap on Camera. This will open up a screen where you can access Formats. Then, tap on Most Compatible. This will allow you to take JPEG photos instead of HEIC photos going forward. If you want to go back to HEIC photos later, just go back into the Formats and tap on High Efficiency.

Converting Photos

What if you have already taken some photos in HEIC and you don’t have the time to take more photos in the JPEG format? You still have an option, and it’s nice and easy.

Go into the Settings of your phone and then tap Photos. Tap Automatic, which is on the bottom of the screen beneath Transfer to Mac or PC. When you transfer your photos to your computer, they will be in JPEG format. You can turn this off just as easily.
JPEG is still the preferred form for a lot of sites, and it will likely take a few more years for HEIC to catch up. Keep this in mind whenever you are taking photos. Consider how and where you will be using them and make sure you are shooting in the best format.

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