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How to Make Your Corporate Housing Listings Stand Out

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Published Date: 2023-09-27
Make Your Corporate Housing Listings Stand Out

You have a home or apartment that you want to put out there among all the other short-term rental properties. Listing is important to find bookings, but just putting up a photo and a blurb isn’t enough to get the attention you want.

If you’re crafting a listing or want to make yours better, keep reading. We’ll share important tips for making your advertisement shine.

Use Excellent Photos

Having great photos is almost as important as writing out an amazing description of your short-term rental properties. You should take photos of every room in the home, as well as the outside, so potential tenants know what they are renting before they step into the house.

Excellent bedroom photos are especially important. Travelers want to be sure they’re renting a comfortable and attractive space to get some rest each night. Including high-quality photos is sure to make you stand out from the pack.

How to Make Your Corporate Housing Listings Stand Out

Provide Useful Information

What are the most important things to showcase on a listing for short-term rental apartments? You want to go into detail about what makes your property different, but some basic information still needs to be included. People need to know how many bedrooms and bathrooms there are, as well as what makes your space special.

For instance, make sure you share how long the rental is available for, the prices, and the square footage of the home. Recent upgrades and top features are also good things to include in your listing to convince people to rent from you instead of someone else.

Market Throughout the Year

Even if someone is staying at your short-term rental properties, that won’t last forever. It’s best to advertise the property throughout that period. It’s a proven way to bring in tenants to later months and ensure you stay booked. Consistent marketing is a staple for property owners or managers who want to keep things running smoothly all year.

Finally, you want to make sure you post your listings on reputable sites that see lots of potential tenants, like CHBO. The more eyes you get on the listing, the more likely someone is to book it. Reach out to us to get started with a fantastic listing for your short-term rental apartments.

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