Corporate Housing 101 Relocation Advice

Who uses Corporate Housing: Relocation and Consultants.

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Published Date: 2009-09-08
From the beginning of the Corporate Housing Industry there have been two primary consumers of corporate housing (1) Relocating Executives and (2) Business Consultants. Over the past 40 years, however, corporate housing has evolved into a mainstream lodging segment and today serves a wide range of diverse business travelers and individuals in need of temporary housing. Relocation Executives: According to a recent HR Magazine article, relocation was down in 2008 but the numbers are still huge. In 2008, 11.9% of the population relocated and $24 billion dollars is spent annually on US corporate relocation. Relocation Surveys also indicated that, for the first time, prospects for selling and buying real estate surpassed family concern and spouses’ careers as the most important issues! This is whyCorporate Housing by Owner (CHBO) is such an important element in relocation today. CHBO can allow a family to relocate to find the perfect job because it gives them the option to rent their current home and test drive a new furnished home at their chosen destination. This cuts down on costs, eliminates the uncertainty of the real estate market, and makes it easy to reverse if the new job doesn’t work out. These surveys also highlighted companies trend to Lump Sum Relocation packages allowing employees to look for their own corporate housing through resources like CHBO. Business Consultants: CHBO would also like to take this opportunity to salute 2009’s Top Consultants according to Consulting Magazine and thank them for using Corporate Housing. 2009 Top Consultants – Consulting Magazine Jim Bramante, IBM Global Business Services Bruce Barge, Buck Consultants Michael Conover, KPMG Claudia D’Arpizio, Bain & Company MaryAnne Fraschan, EDS Cory Gunderson, Protiviti John Kaltenmark, Accenture Technology Consulting Brooks Kitchel, Kurt Salmon Associates John Kovalchick, Proudfoot Consulting Rich Lesser, The Boston Consulting Group Robin Lineberger, BearingPoint Bryan Marsal, Alvarez & Marsal Leslie Moeller, Booz & Company Ken Mungan, Milliman Jacqueline Olynyk, PricewaterhouseCoopers Laurie Oppel, Navigant Consulting David Rodman, Hitachi Consulting Jim Roth, Huron Consulting Group Vance Scott, A.T. Kearney Amy Shah, Sapient Ed Stark, Capgemini Consulting Ming Tsai, Infosys Consulting Tim Wiest, Deloitte Consulting Rob Wilhite, KEMA Stephen Wood, Ingenix Consulting

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