Companies Reluctant to Relocate - Be wearing if you're asked if you "rent or own"

Published Date: 2009-11-02 This weekend, The Denver Post featured an article about how companies are hesitant to relocate employees due to sour housing market. I was grateful to have been interviewed by reporter Margaret Jackson for the article. I found it really interesting that it costs more than $76,000 to relocate an employee who owns a house whereas only about $22,000 for someone who rents. With this in mind, I told Jackson that there is nothing stopping employers from asking a potential candidate whom the company is interested in relocating if they own or rent - as employers want to know if this is going to be a costly relocation for them. With all other variables being equal, the renter will get the job. Check out the article, "In Sour Housing Market, Companies Relocating Fewer Employees" online and be weary if an employer is asking you if you rent or own... because it may hinder you from getting the job.