Property Management Toolbox

The Landlord Files: Four Questions with CHBO User, Jim Farasey

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Published Date: 2011-03-02
Jim Farasey from Lafayette, Louisiana has been a CHBO client since August 2010. Here's his thoughts on what it's like being a furnished housing landlord: 1. Why did you list your home on CHBO? I live in Louisiana but own a condo in Houston because I go to Houston to pick up items for my shop (I own an interior / design store in Lafayette, La). I later found that I could not get to Houston as often as I hoped, so I decided to offer my Houston property as a corporate rental and make it an investment property. 2. What has the response from CHBO been like? The response has been very good. I’ve received numerous "hits" from CHBO and have had four excellent renters, one for a one month basis and others for a few weeks at a time. 3. What is the one piece of advice you would offer someone new to being a corporate housing landlord? Offer the unit as nicely furnished as you can. I have found the people renting have been impressed with the quality of the furnishings and the unit in general and have respected the unit, leaving it in the same condition as they found it. Also make sure you know to whom you are renting the unit. 4. Describe your perfect tenant in three words? Respectful. Appreciative. Cooperative. (Ed. Note: Amen!) Find Jim's Houston property (which we think is awesome) online. It's property #6542 and is pictured below!

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