Business Travelers Should Consider Renter’s Insurance?

Published Date: 2011-12-27 Recently, Corporate Housing By Owner

- Renter’s insurance will cover your personal belongings in case of a fire, flood or any liability issues. If the property you are renting experiences any damage from the outside elements, the owner’s insurance will cover expenses and repairs. But let’s say your computer, iPad, cell phone and expensive business suits you are traveling with are destroyed from the overhead sprinkler system that was set-off due to a fire, who will replace those items? If you have renter’s insurance, they will be covered.
- Renter’s insurance will cover any hotel costs you may incur if the unit you are renting becomes inhabitable during your lease term.
- Renter’s insurance also covers you, the renter, against any liability if someone is injured on the property and tries to sue or if any property within the rental unit is damaged by fault of your own – such as breaking a glass table or damaging a wall