Property Management Toolbox

Corporate Housing: How to Decorate a Small Space?

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Published Date: 2013-03-20
entry way bench In last December's issue of Units magazine, there was a beautiful spread about how to decorate a small space. If your short-term rental is small, here are some of the editor's tips to decorating and furnishing it well - and to giving off the illusion that it's larger than it really is (shhh!): Hang High Curtains:  Hang your curtains from ceiling to floor. The curtains will bring the eye upward to the ceiling and make the space seem larger. Build Up:  Install a tall bookshelf or wall unit with lots of open shelving. Make the shelving unit as close to the ceiling as possible to give your room a larger feel. Corporate Housing: How to Decorate a Small Space Hang Mirrors:  Use beautifully framed mirrors as wall decorations to trick the eye into seeing a larger space. Mirrors reflect light beautifully too, allowing your apartment to feel more cheery as too - bonus! Add an Entry Bench:  Many small apartments lack an entry area. Create one by taking the shelving out of the top of a bookcase and installing hooks to hang your coats, purses and hats. Smart entry solutions Remove Doors: Take down a closed off closet door and expose the space. It will definitely make your small space look large. The downside is you'll need to keep your closet tidy. Use Your Walls:  Put up plenty of shelves to store nik-naks and other possessions. Shelving will help keep the clutter off the floor, which can make your place look cluttered and, you guessed it, small! Do you have other ideas for making a small corporate rental apartment look larger? Please share them in the comments section or Contact CHBO to post in a later blog.

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