Corporate Housing 101
Ideas & Tips
Inside Scoop: Corporate Housing Training!
Published Date: 2013-09-24
Did you know CHPA (
Corporate Housing Providers Association) does regional educational and networking conferences? and I think they are the
best deal in town - only $199 for members and $299 for non-members if you register before September 30th.
Austin, TX - November 7th
• Maximum networking with colleagues and partners in your region with minimal travel
• Access to relevant industry information to use immediately
• Targeted insights from mobility professionals on relocation trends and current client demands
• Interactive workshop to enhance your social media skills – social media secrets you need to know
This it the must see session:
The State of Real Relocation
Rebecca Cole, CRP, GMS, SIRVA; Jason Exley, PHR, Mobility Services International; Lauren Richards, Dell; Michelle Sandlin, CRP, GMS, Chicago Title (Moderator)
Experienced relocation professionals share industry trends and current client needs in corporate housing training. Find out how that impacts what you need to be doing right now. Together, we will discuss the major trends emerging in relocation programs, along with potential implications for the
corporate housing industry.