Tenant Issues: Death, Disease and Cleanup

Published Date: 2014-04-03 I know, these are things we are not supposed to talk about, but there is comfort in knowing what to do just in case. Recently a landlord explained to me that their tenant had an infectious blood disease that when discovered required the entire rental property to stripped of all porous materials. All furniture, carpet, curtains needed to be removed from the property and properly disposed of. No need to panic, all costs were covered by the tenant! The landlord called Aftermath a specialized cleanup company and everything was properly taken care of. Aftermath provides you with a 28 point checklist to verify the cleanup company you choose: As a nationwide industry leader, Aftermath maintains the highest standards in cleaning, sanitation, and safety compliance. Many companies profess to have proper licensing and the certifications necessary to perform crime scene cleanup, but are they also legally able to haul away medical waste? Do they carry adequate insurance for the work involved? And how are their employees hired and trained? Public education is important to Aftermath, so we publish this 28-point checklist illustrating the regulatory compliance and quality assurance standards we follow as part of our commitment to innovation and excellence. Print this out and ask vendors to provide proof of the following:
- Evidence of bloodborne pathogen training and compliance. (OSHA-29 CFR 1910.1030 et seq.)
- Evidence of personal protective equipment training and compliance. (OSHA-29 CFR 1910.1030(d)(3)(i) and 29 CFR 1910.132 et seq.)
- Evidence of respiratory protection training and compliance. (OSHA-29 CFR 1910.134 et seq.)
- Evidence of hazardous communication training and compliance. (OSHA-29 CFR 1910.1200 et seq.)
- Evidence of a heat-illness awareness training program, including an on-site heat-stress level testing program, such as Wet Bulb Globe.
- Evidence of job-specific OSHA training, such as Lock Out / Tag Out protocols for cleanings involve machinery, Lift and Fall Protection for cleanings involving ladders and scaffoldings, Hearing Safety for jobs involving high-noise equipment, and Back Safety for any and all lifting performed by employees.
- Ongoing OSHA, medical waste handling/transporting, and process training for its employees. (OSHA-29 CFR 1910.1030(g)(2) et seq. and EPA-40 CFR 745.80 Subpart E)
- Evidence of expertise in environmental and regulatory compliance. (DOT, EPA, state & local agencies)
- Evidence of compliance with asbestos regulations. (asbestos may be found in older homes & disturbing of asbestos without proper compliance violates multiple state & federal agency regulations)
- A written exposure control program in the event of an accidental exposure incident. (OSHA-29 CFR 1910.1030(c)(1))
- A training facility for its employees.
- Proof of workers compensation insurance.
- Proof of commercial general liability insurance.
- Proof of contractor’s environmental liability insurance.
- Proof of insurance coverage to protect against theft or property damage.
- Proof of auto insurance for all company vehicles.
- Biohazard placarding on its vehicles. (DOT-49 CFR Part 172, Subpart D)
- Evidence of a medical waste transporter license.
- Evidence of a contract with a licensed medical waste disposal company, where applicable.
- Evidence of adhering and meeting requirements for packaging, handling, transporting, and reporting of regulated medical waste. (DOT-49 CFR Part 173, Subpart E and 49 CFR Part 173.6 Subpart A and state environmental agency regulations)
- Evidence that biohazard technicians have had Hepatitis B vaccinations. (OSHA-29 CFR 1910.1030(f)(2))
- Evidence of drug testing of its employees (random and pre-employment)
- Evidence of background checks of its employees.
- Evidence of clean driving records of its employees.
- Evidence that the company does not use sub-contractors to do the remediation work.
- Validated references or testimonials from customers.
- Evidence of expertise in biohazard remediation.
- Specifically designed chemicals formulated to serve the biohazard remediation industry.