Corporate Housing 101 Property Management Toolbox

CHBO Bulk Owner: Marketing Multiple Properties

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Published Date: 2014-05-05

Be a CHBO Power Owner!  CHBO Power owner

If you have five or more rental properties that should be marketed on CHBO then you are a Bulk Owner and qualify for special benefits. If you need to market multiple rental properties CHBO is the place to be to maximize your exposure and your profits!  CHBO’s Bulk Owner Program allows companies with multiple properties to add their entire inventory of individual properties to CHBO. Then depending upon which bulk package they choose (5, 10 or 25) companies can strategically choose which properties they’d like to activate on the CHBO website. The benefit of adding your entire inventory gives companies the flexibility of immediately marketing those selected properties to corporations.   So in other words, if you rented one today you could inactivate that property listing and activate another property with just a few clicks. Our Bulk Owner program makes it easy for you to reduce your overall marketing costs and get in front of more prospective tenants than ever. As a Power Owner, each of your listings will have the Power Owner logo on it. When a prospective tenant clicks on the Power Owner logo, the tenant can see all your listings on one page.CHBO Bulk Owner Program Perhaps one of your properties is full, but a prospective renter likes what he sees? All he has to do is click on the Power Owner logo to see more listings from you! Being a Power Owner has its benefits:
  • Free additional photos upgrade
  • Power Owner status and logo on all listings
  • Ability to switch properties in and out
  • Monthly billing
  • Calendar Syncing
  • Marketing Multiple Properties - Property Rotation
Read more about CHBO’s Power Owner program on our website.

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