Corporate Housing 101 CHBO General Ideas & Tips

CHBO Favorite: Housing Request - Just 3 Steps

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Published Date: 2014-12-17
Corporate Housing Search One of my favorite tools on CHcorporate housing request made easyBO is the Housing Request!!! Everyday I get clients asking me for corporate housing in a city I have never been to and I find the easiest solution is just to complete one quick housing request to that geographic area and and within a few hours I have numerous housing solutions to choose from and forward to my clients.Housing Request

Why should I use a Housing Request and how will it save me time and find the best corporate housing rental to meet my housing needs?

Step 1 - On the top of any CHBO page, you just need to click on the Red Tag that asks if you "Need Housing?" Step 2 - Complete the request with as much detail as possible to maximize the quality of responses you get from potential properties. Step 3 - Choose the right property that meets what your needs are.

Housing Request: FAQs

Owner's/Renter's - What are General Housing Requests?

CHBO gives renters 2 ways to find the right property.

  1. Contact the property directly from the property listing.
  2. Submit a General Housing Request in a geographic area that goes to properties in that area who have selected to receive and respond directly to these requests.

CHBO has created the general housing request to streamline the hassle of having to look through each individual availability calendar and make it easy for corporate housing renters to find the right property, in the right location, quickly.

General Housing requests are individual requests from potential renters looking for housing in a specific area.  Rather than contact numerous properties one at a time, these requests make it easy for anyone in need of housing, to submit a single request and receive direct responses from properties that are available in the requested area.

If you receive a general housing request and your property meets the needs of the potential tenant you can respond directly to the tenant with your housing options.

Owner - How can I turn on or off general housing requests on my property listing?

Each property listing on CHBO has the option of receiving these requests for free. This property listing feature can be easily turned on or off by selecting “yes or no” from the drop down menu when editing your property listing.

Owner - How should I respond to a general housing request?

First qualify the request. Only respond to those requests that you believe would be a good renter for your property. Start by looking at the budget and dates needs.  Remember there can always be some flexibility.  The potential renter may be looking for a 2 bedroom and your property is a 3 bedroom but may be in the best location so you may still want to respond to this type of request.

Second it is important to respond as quickly as possible. Potential renters who are searching now are looking for answers now.

It is also important to realize that you do not have to respond to all requests just the ones that best match your property rental.

Owner - What should I do if the General Housing Request doesn’t match my properties criteria?

Nothing. However, keep in mind that the general housing request may still consider your property even though the rate, size or area might be incorrect so if you need a renter respond with your property options.  In this case, we recommend that you email your property listing to the request or even call the request directly if they’ve provided this information.

CHBO recommends you simply delete the request and archive the request from your CHBO inbox.

Owner - Why am I receiving General Housing requests?

Your property is in the requested area and you have chosen to receive them. Each listing on CHBO has the option of adding these requests to their accounts for free and can be easily turned on or off by selecting “yes or no” from the drop down when editing your property listing.

Find more ideas discover the CHBO FAQs.

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