Corporate Housing 101 Real Estate Investing

Trends: Reason for Being a Corporate Housing Landlord.

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Published Date: 2016-03-15
Reasons I am sure by now you have all read my book "Idiot's Guide: Making Money with Rental Properties." :) Well my first book pitch was actually the "What if... Real Estate Guide."   I mean, I like to believe everything in life is predictable, but life has taught me that it is not.  In fact one of my favorite things about CHBO over the past 10 years of helping propertyCHBO turns 10owners is that our platform gives them options when life is unpredictable. The thought behind my "What if" idea is that life changes and often our real estate investments are not as flexible as we need them to be and through CHBO we have been able to support thousands of property owners and tenants when they need other options. It is with this idea in mind that we ask our Survey Responders "Why" they are corporate housing landlords. - Kimberly

Reason for Being a Corporate Housing Real Estate Landlord

Understanding who is a typical corporate housing landlord and how current real estate trends affect decisions can help you better understand how you and your rental property fit into this industry.Reasons for housing landload

Once again, the majority of respondents tell us they are landlords for investment purposes.

The continuing trend in the “other reason” category appears to be “partial landlords.” We define partial landlords as property owners who have a fully functional, stand-alone guesthouse or apartment suite on the same site as their primary residence. Traditionally, this may have been referred to as an in-law apartment. (Please note, this is different than the “Share Economy” in which property owners rent out a room within their residence, sharing the same space as their renter).

Learn more Corporate Housing Real Estate Trends.

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