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Find the Best Corporate Rentals in USA While Finding Pokémon

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Published Date: 2016-07-27
Pokemon Go - Corporate Rentals

Chances are, you don't need anyone to tell you that Pokémon Go is a new game that seems to have taken over the world. But, what you may not know is just what on earth it actually is, AND how it can help real estate professionals with furnished rentals or corporate rentals.

First, the game uses the familiar Pokémon characters, and the goal of the game is for the app user to capture and train the figures to fight others. The app actually blends Google Maps and a game to force users to walk about and explore the area in order to find and capture the characters.Pokemon Go - Corporate Rentals

Because the biggest audience for the game is the "millennial" generation - people currently in their late teens to late twenties, and because this is also one of the largest audiences for furnished rentals, it is easy to see how you might want to consider using the app to get attention from your strongest audience.

Of course, the big question then becomes "How do you use Pokémon Go to draw attention to furnished and corporate rentals?"Pokemon Go

Here are some very easy ways to achieve this goal:

Use Pokémon Go terminology in your social media and online descriptions. For example, you can use your regular bullet pointed list of features such as "Updated bathrooms" and "Hardwood flooring", but then throw in that the neighborhood has several "Poke Stops". You obtain the information about Poke stops, attractions, and even if some rare creatures were captured in the area by downloading the app.

Encourage neighborhood visits - When you have an inventory of furnished rentals and you know your audience is likely to be using Pokémon Go, simply enticing them to neighborhoods with your listings can introduce them to the appeal of that region. This works wonders when you have potential renters who are unfamiliar with the neighborhood and when you know that it is an appealing area that should help sway their opinion.

Link to businesses already using this trend - On social media, most urban businesses have started updating their social media sites with details about creatures found on their premises. Share or retweet these to your audience to get them interested in the furnished rentals in a city or neighborhood.Pokeball

There are so many ways to get "on trend", but if you have corporate rentals and furnished openings, one of the simplest ways to draw attention is to piggy back on the widespread use of Pokémon Go updates and spots.

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