Embracing Wellness Living Among Corporate Housing.

Published Date: 2020-05-11

Wellness living has always been meaningful but with the current situation with coronavirus, it’s even more essential than it has ever been in the past. This applies to every facet of our lives, but nowhere is it more relevant than in the world of corporate furnished homes, where many live and work for months at a time in various areas of the world.
Prominent institutes such as the Global Wellness Institute, FITWELL, and the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) are all speaking out to say, “Do the right things and do it right now and forever.” Now more than ever before, every person has the chance to make changes and alter the world to prevent situations like coronavirus from spreading or proliferating in the future.

Right now, furnished homes are in intense demand. Many people are moving back to live in close proximity to their loved ones during the quarantine. Countless others are traveling to provide healthcare and other necessary services in areas that need them most. CHBO wants to be part of the solution by embracing wellness living and keeping people safe.
IWBI is leading the movement to create communities and transform buildings so people can thrive. The group is aware of the situation we are in because of coronavirus. It is reaching out to disseminate education, conversations, and solutions about how to improve and enhance the health of ourselves and everyone around us.
Thomas Irpan, an owner of a property with CHBO and a member of the IWBI coronavirus task force, offers an example of what that kind of world can look like. He provides a wellness living executive condo “designed with your health and well-being in mind.” As part of the task force on COVID-19 for IWBI, the property includes items like hands-free trash cans, a clean water machine, and StayWell premium bedding.

CHBO is committed to offering furnished homes that are safe and secure during coronavirus and beyond. With the IWBI COVID-19 task force working to provide strategies, evidence, and interventions to keep us all well, whether in furnished homes or otherwise.

This includes putting into place optimization practices for protection from coronavirus like increasing ventilation, filtering indoor air, and strengthening cleaning protocols. Adding in handwashing signage and maintaining the optimal humidity can also help prevent viruses from surviving in dwelling units. As someone who offers furnished homes during coronavirus, being vigilant can increase wellness in your community. If you’re interested in learning more and being part of the solution, you can get in contact with us for more information and resources.
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