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COVID-19 Cleaning Guidelines for Your Rental Property.

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Published Date: 2020-12-23
Cleaning corporate housing

Keeping guests safe in your rental property is more critical now than ever before. That’s why having a list of guidelines can help you manage your corporate homes to keep things safe and sanitized. Cleaning and sanitizing a space is essential before a guest comes to stay. Keep in mind that these are two different things, and both must be done to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Cleaning in Between Guests

When you’re hosting guests, there are a few cleaning steps that should take place when someone new is coming in. The first step is taking out the trash and relining the garbage cans. Garbage can contaminate the area, so getting rid of it first is essential.

Next, you want to dust the furnished homes and then vacuum or sweep up any debris. Start dusting from the top and work down until there is no dust anywhere. After that, you should sweep the hard floors in the space and vacuum any carpeting.

Cleaning in Between Guests

You also need to clean all hard surfaces with soap and water. Wipe down these surfaces to get rid of dust, dirt, and germs. The surfaces include things like tables, countertops, cabinets, sinks, and floors. When you mop, start from a back corner and move to the front. Get rid of the dirty water in a sink before cleaning the sink.

The Process of Sanitizing a Rental Property

Now we move to the sanitizing steps to keep yourself and your guest’s health. The first thing you want to do is spray a disinfectant on hard surfaces once they have been cleaned. Focus on things that are frequently touched like light switches as well as items that may have been touched with dirty linens. It would be best if you also sanitized electronics using the manufacturer’s directions.

The disinfectant should sit for the time recommended on the label to ensure it does the job. Taking it up too quickly can leave germs behind that can make someone sick. After that’s done, let the surfaces air dry, and you will be done with sanitizing the area.

Other Tips and Tricks Other tips that can help include washing your hands for at least 20 seconds, leaving cleaning supplies for the guests of furnished homes, and assessing each room to be sure it’s ready for visitors. If you do these things, you can take pride in the work and know you’re preventing illness from potentially spreading.

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