Darrelle Revis Moving from New York to Tampa Bay. Where Will He Live?

Published Date: 2024-03-18

In light of this week's big sports news that star cornerback Darrelle Revis has been traded to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers for the 13th overall pick, it got me wondering about the uncertain life of a professional athlete. Athletes are often getting traded and moved around, making it hard to put down roots in one place. If they are traded, should they sell their home or keep it? In their new city, should they buy a new home or rent? Where exactly does an athlete call home? I think that a "relocated" athlete should consider keeping the home in the city he eventually wants to call home upon retirement. Trades happen often and players are shuffled around, but eventually they will want a single place to call home. Wherever that home is, it might sit idle for years while on the road and that's wasted money. One solution is that a pro athlete can rent out his home as a furnished, short-term corporate rental to a qualified, high-end renter or another professional athlete in the same boat as himself.
Then during the off-season, he can go back to his home for a few months. Meanwhile, the question remains whether an athlete should buy a new home in his new city. It can be a risky deal, as trades come and go. If he's uncertain about where he'll be long-term, I suggest renting. It'll save him a lot of headaches in the end that come with selling a home on a moment's notice - you never know if the market will be good, bad or ugly. On the other hand, if he believes the trade is for good and he wants to put down roots in his new city of play, then buying is a great option too. Even better is to rent a furnished property for a few months, get the lay of the land (also known as "try before you buy"), and then commit to a home and neighborhood. CorporateHousingbyOwner.com has plenty of rental properties in Tampa Bay for Revis to enjoy and try out before deciding where to live long term. Find Corporate Housing in Tampa Bay. Find Corporate Housing in New York City.