Property Management Toolbox

Free CHPA Webinar: Putting the Bite on Bed Bugs in Rental Property

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Published Date: 2013-10-10

October 10, 2013 • 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Join the FREE webinar presentation to gain valuable insights on the most important points about bed bugs in the rental property industry and how to get ahead of the escalating infestations across the country. Dr. Michael Linford is one of the foremost experts on heat treatments with the only EPA approved heat treatment methodology available as published in his "Heat Treatment Field Guide". Join the presentation to gain valuable insights on the most important points about bed bugs in the rental property industry and how to get ahead of the escalating infestations across the country.

Some of the discussion points:

  • History and reasons for the resurgence of the bed bug.
  • Biology, know your enemy!
  • Modern treatment methods pros and cons (chemicals, freezing, steam, barriers).
  • Procedures and practices.
  • Proactive tenant education program (worth the time).
  • Control the bedbug cost to your property.
  • New treatment options.
  • Cost sharing with your tenant (discussion).

Dr. Michael Linford

Dr. Michael Linford has worked closely with dozens of property management companies to help them achieve an effective protocol and self treatment methodology so that insect eradication is achieved. In addition, he has developed effective self treatment solutions for furniture rental companies, property management entities and has helped property management reduce litigation risks and improve profits. Linford is considered to be the father of modern thermal pest eradication. He and colleagues were the first to introduce the heat technology for insect eradication to the Structural Pest Control Industry in 1989. Now that his patents have expired, he has dedicated himself to assisting entities realize the benefits of self treatment for bed bugs, fungal, bacterial and viral contaminations, and the disinfection  and deodorization of structures. Today, he is one of the foremost experts on heat treatments with the only EPA approved heat treatment methodology available as published in his “Heat Treatment Field Guide.” CLICK HERE to Register for CHPA Webinar

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