Corporate Housing 101 Property Management Toolbox Ideas & Tips

Corporate housing Lease Documents: Property Forms - Part 2

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Published Date: 2013-11-21
I was recently reviewing the visitor stats for the CHBO blog and what I learned is that more than anything you wanted to know about corporate housing lease documents so I thought it would be helpful to summarize the top corporate housing lease documents you NEED to KNOW about. I have broken the information down into 3 sections: Leasing Documents, Property Forms Tenant Communication. Property Forms
Appliance Tracking Sheet Before you rent your property make a complete list of all the property appliances including year purchased, make, model, serial number and general condition.  Update this list between each renter.  These details will streamline maintenance issues and make filing an insurance claim a lot easier.
Cleaning Checklist Use this checklist to log the cleaning information of the interior and exterior of your property.  This list should also be given to any outside cleaning company you may hire to clean the property between tenants.
HVAC Unit Maintenance Use this form to track the maintenance of the HVAC units at your properties. The form should include fields to enter data for the compressor, condensing fan motor, contactor, compressor maintenance, and fan motor maintenance.  In addition you will need to track general maintenance like seasonal cleans and filter replacement.
Maintenance Checklist Use this checklist to log the routine maintenance items of the interior and exterior of your property. This checklist includes items like fireplace inspections, garbage disposal repairs, toilet repairs and lawn sprinkler systems.
Maintenance Record Keep a history of a unit's repairs and services with a maintenance record. This form can be used to record the date and description of work as well as any remarks or comments remaining.
Standard Property Inspection Use this standard property inspection to evaluate and rate a property on curb appeal, leasing, amenities, services, readiness, maintenance and safety.  Also note life expectancy of items like when will you need to replace the carpet or note items that need to be upgraded right away.
Work-Order Use this form to indicate what maintenance work is to be done, when it should be completed, and who will do the work. After completing the work-order form, you can use it as the maintenance record of the response to the service request or to charge the tenant for the work done.

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