Top Corporate Housing Lease Documents: Tenant Communication - Part 3

Published Date: 2013-11-22

Tenant Communication Forms
Acceptance Letter | The acceptance letter is to notify an applicant of approved rental. Inform a new tenant of information such as address, rent amount, and important local services and providers. |
Departure Confirmation | This is the written document you return to the tenant upon receiving their departure notice confirming their departure date and reiterating your departure guidelines. |
Departure Notice | On a month-to-month tenancy the departure notice alerts the landlord as to the tenants specific date of departure. Generally referred to as a “30 day notice” because this is the length of time the tenant is responsible for the rent from the time they give notice. |
Emergency Contact Numbers | A list of a property's emergency contact numbers, this list is handy to post in the property. Listings include essential agencies such as police and fire departments. |
Key Distribution Record | Keep track of the specific keys you give the tenant. If access cards or garage openers are distributed make sure to also track brand name, serial number and possible access code for easy replacement. |
Maintenance Request | Written document from a tenant to you regarding items that may need to be repaired. |
Move-In Checklist | Keep a move-in checklist at hand to facilitate the move-in process allow the tenant to notify you quickly if something needs to be repairs and gives you signed confirmation of condition that can be referenced for damage before you return the security deposit. |
Move-Out Checklist | Similar to the Move-In Checklist this double checks the same items that were reviewed on the Move-In Checklist and will give you a comparison on items where you may need to make a charge to the security deposit. |
Notice of Denial | Notify a prospect that their rental application has been denied based on their credit report or other information with this denial letter. The form lists principal reasons for credit denial or other action taken concerning credit. It also includes a statement informing the applicant of their rights according to the Fair Credit Reporting Act to dispute the accuracy of any information the consumer reporting agency reported |
Notice of Returned Check | Notify a tenant of a returned check with this template letter. The notice outlines the details of the return, including information such as check number, date and amount. This form also outlines any resulting charges or fees. |
Potential Renter Inquiry | As soon as you get a call or email from a potential tenant have a standardized set of questions to ask and information to gather. You can keep this information manually or use software program to track all your rental requests. This information will help track your marketing success and may also be a good source for marketing the next time your property is available. |
Reasonable Accommodation Request Forms | Use this sample reasonable accommodations request form when a member requests additional accommodations due to a disability. |
Tenant Emergency Procedures | Use this customizable procedure form in the event of an emergency. This document includes procedures for medical emergencies, fire procedures, severe weather, hurricanes, bomb threats, and other items that may be specific to your property or your geographical area. |
Warning Notice | This is a written notice given to a tenant when they are in violation of their rental agreement, may be causing property damage, have unauthorized pets or noise type complaints. |