Corporate Housing 101 Property Management Toolbox Ideas & Tips

Annual "by Owner" Corporate Housing Report - Part I

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Published Date: 2014-01-23
CHBO After a wild year in corporate housing in 2012 – complete with corporate housing mergers, new regulations on vacation rentals, and an uncertain economic climate – 2013 proved to be a fairly stable year in the corporate housing industry and the residential rental world. We hope it was a successful year for you.Annual Corporate Housing Report As you turn your attention to 2014, we’re excited to share the 2013 “By Owner” Corporate Housing Annual Report. In the following pages, you’ll find a summary and analysis of the results from our annual “By Owner” Corporate Housing Survey – now in its fifth year. In the pages to follow, you’ll be able to draw upon the latest data, as well as comparisons and trends from recent years, to ensure 2014 is your most profitable year yet.

What Makes This Report Different:

The “By Owner” Annual Corporate Housing Report is different than other property management annual reports. It reflects findings from individual property owners of furnished monthly rentals, rather than from full-service, corporate housing companies. This report is designed to help individual owners, like you, learn from relevant trends in your marketplace and achieve greater success. If you took the time to complete our 2013 “By Owner” Survey, I thank you for your insight and candor. Once again, we had hundreds of people respond to our survey questions. The survey was made available to any person who owned or managed a furnished monthly residential rental in 2013 – not just to property owners who market their properties through the CHBO website.

Where to Find Additional Resources: 

If, after reading this report, you’re looking for more information – from the latest corporate housing trends to rental tips – you can find useful articles every week on the CHBO Blog or through Personal Real Estate Investor (PREI) Magazine at You also can get a complete introduction to managing successful corporate housing rentals in The Corporate Housing Handbook and Making Money with Rental Properties available on The CHBO Team is always looking for new ways to help you get your property rented. We look forward to providing you with useful information for many years to come. To participate in next year’s survey, visit our website in November 2014: In the meantime, if you have any questions, please call us at (877) 333-2426. Want the report in Printed Form visit Amazon.

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