Rental Success: Great Marketing Photos!

Published Date: 2014-05-02
Nothing can turn off a potential renter faster than low-quality marketing photos.
Poor photos scream low-end, low-quality and not-so-attractive living space. Read our tips to ensure your pictures do your property justice!
Photos and videos share a lot of information about your property. These visual aids can make the difference in whether a potential renter is interested in your property.
Mind Your Lighting: Let in as much natural lighting as possible when taking photos. Turn on all the lights to showcase your property’s beauty.
Get Close: Take close up pictures of your property’s focal points to show off high-end details such as ornate cabinets and high-end furnishings.
Try Different Angles: You might be surprised at how different angles can impact the way your property looks. One angle may show off a spacious area, while another might make your area look too compact.
Stage Key Rooms: Staged photos show your property “in use.” Set the dining table with dishes and candlesticks to enable potential renters feel like they are already living in your home.
De-clutter: Rid of any clutter before taking photos to minimize any distracting images or items that might take away from the beauty of your property.
More is Better: Potential renters want to see more pictures and feel like they know exactly what kind of property they’re renting before they arrive. Listings with more pictures get more inquiries. See our special offer below and get $10 off a photo upgrade!
Shot List:
- An exterior shot of your home or building
- The view from your home (if impressive)
- Main living area (family room)
- Kitchen
- Dining Area
- Master Bedroom
- Each Additional Bedroom
- Special amenities (pool, gym, hot tub, etc.)