Corporate Housing 101 Property Management Toolbox Real Estate Investing

Rental Management: Software for your Corporate Apartment.

post image Admin
Published Date: 2015-05-28
Property Management

So if success is defined by setting custCorporate housing specialistomer / tenant expectations and then meeting or exceeding them you may need some additional property management software tools to help with the management of your corporate apartment and to save you from the physiatrist!

HELP! Ok where do you start? I have always used property management software that allows me to track all my property details and all my tenant details in one place.  What I need is at least...
  • Cloud Based.
  • Reservation Board.
  • Accounting.
  • API Feeds (ex send my availability calendar directly to CHBO).
  • Mobil Property Inspection Forms.
  • Cloud Document Sign and Store.
  • Marketing Features.
So the answer is "NO" I haven't found everything on my wish list in one software but I do have all of those solutions with multiple products.
We have been tracking rental management tools and software use in the Annual CHBO Real Estate Corporate Housing Report and this is what we found...

Property Management Software

CHBO is frequently asked about tools that can help property owners manage their rental properties. With that in mind, in 2012 we added a few questions to the survey to learn which tools property owners are currently using. We also want to be able to watch future trends. The responses in the past few years are generally consistent. The majority of property owners (51%) do not use any type of property management software. 24% use basic spreadsheets, and 19% use accounting software, such as QuickBooks™.
What type of property management software do you use? (Check all that apply*)* More than one option could be chosen; thus % is the % of respondents, not the % of the whole
  2013 Responses 2013 Responses 2012 Responses
None – do not use any 51% 56% 56%
Basic – such as spreadsheets 24% 21% 27%
Accounting – such as QuickBooks™ 19% 17% 19%
Property Management – such as Yardi 7% 2% 6%
Corporate Housing – such as Aaxsys 5% 3% 7%
Vacation Rental – such as NAVIS® 1.6% 2% 2%
Other (please specify) 3% 6% 3%
In addition to the data above, the following software solutions were mentioned in the “other” category:
  • Airbnb
  • Buildium
  • CHBO Calendar
  • Homeaway
  • Kigo
  • org
  • Oscar
  • Property Boss
  • Propertyware
  • Quicken Rental Property Manager
  • Rental Property Manager
  • com
  • RoomMaster
  • SimplifyEM Property Management Software
  • Spectra
  • VRBO

Still have questions...

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