CHBO Supports Traveling Medical Staff Fighting the COVID-19.

Published Date: 2020-03-31

The reality right now is that many people are afraid of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), which is causing problems in states across the nation. There’s nothing wrong with being fearful of the virus. Still, some situations are occurring that undermine the hard work of medical professionals who are working to bring the pandemic under control. Hard-working travel nurses and other medical professionals are being removed from their homes out of fear that they may carry the illness.
Reports show that some medical workers have been asked to leave their rental homes in as little as 24 hours, as the landlords are concerned about their health and the health of others in the area. Others have experienced threats of eviction or feel they have been discriminated against when trying to apply for housing. Some have found replacement housing, but others have not, and at least one nurse was forced to end their contract early due to this problem.

Now, more than ever, the people who take up a call to help those in need should be treated with respect and appreciation. Thankfully, while some landlords are not renting to traveling nurses, many are. The corporate housing industry is full of individuals who understand the sacrifices of medical professionals at this time, and many of them are offering rentals for those people.
COVID-19 is a scary thing for everyone, but pushing away people who are essential for treating the illness is the wrong path to take. That’s why CHBO is putting out a call to individuals willing to house traveling nurses and other medical professionals. This pandemic has led to a need for an increased number of visiting nurses, but those people need a safe, secure space where they can rest and relax when they aren’t on the front lines.
As long as landlords are proactive about keeping their properties clean, sanitized, and disinfected, the large population of nurses moving around the country can have somewhere to stay that doesn’t bring with it fear of being evicted. If you are someone who is happy to have these front line workers living in your corporate housing, speak up about it. As a whole, CHBO supports traveling nurses and other medical professionals who are working to keep everyone safe. The only way to keep things going in a chaotic situation is by offering a little kindness and understanding the essential services that everyone in the medical profession is providing in a time of deep need.
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